(Available to purchase on Amazon)


Fictional diaries:

Veronica's Soap Opera Life (2009)

Veronica's Attempt at Romance (2009)

Veronica's Happily Ever After (2010)


Horror novel:

Just.Another.Common.Killer (2010)

Just.Another.Common.Killer-Special Edition with bonus short story "Mary Kelly's Diary" (2014)


 Thirteen-A Compilation of Short Stories (2011)


 Hope (2011)


Fantasy novel: Sdrawkcab (2012)


Not Alone (2014) 

Really Not Alone (2015)

Harmony (2015)


Emily-A Compilation of Short Stories ( 2014)


My Memoir of Motherhood (2014)


Historical paranormal book: Past Lives (2016)


Advice and Recipes for People with Crohn's and Colitis (2016)


Fantasy novel: The Prophecy (2017)


I'll Take you to See the Ocean (2021)


HIdden Secrets (2021)


The Highland Dancer (2022)


Paranormal Investigation (2024)


The Cat Burglary (2024)






"Living with Colitis"

(Published in the May 29 2013 issue of The Suburban Newspaper)


"The Complications of Living with Colitis and Being on Remicade"

(published on The Surburban Newspaper's website on July 22 2016)


"Increasing Public Bathroom Access for People with IBD"  

(Published on the Suburban Newspaper's website on December 10 2016)


"Forty-Nine Infusions, and Hundreds More to Go" 

(Published on The Suburban Newspaper's website on March 31 2018)


"Living with a crappy, invisible illness"

(Published on The Suburban Newspaper's website on June 15 2021; blurb in the June 16th issue)

"My experience in the over capacitated ER"

(Published on The Suburban Newspaper's website October 1 2022)


"Confronting my Fears"

(Published in the February 2023 issue of Mom's Favorite Reads eMagazine)



(in anthologies and eMagazines)



Emily series: (Originally published in The Suburband online magazine Arpil 2013-April 2014)

A Mother's Love (Originally published in the April 30 2013 issue of Suburban Online Magazine)

A Father's Promise (Originally published in the June 7 2013 issue of Suburban Online Magazine)

An Unplanned Wedding (Originally published in the July 31 2013 issue of Suburban Online Magazine)

Emily's Birthday Getaway (Originally published in the August 30 2013 issue of Suburban Online Magazine)

Emily and Veronica (Originally published in the September 13 2013 issue of Suburban Online Magazine)

The Halloween Party (Originally published in the October 11 2013 issue of Suburban Online Magazine)

Rest in Peace (Originally published in the November 22 2013 issue of Suburban Online Magazine)

Happy Holidays (Originally published in the December 20 2013 issue of Suburban Online Magazine)

Nadia's First Birthday (Originally published in the January 31 2014 issue of Suburban Online Magazine

Saint Valentine's Day (Originally published in the February 14 2014 issue of Suburban Online Magazine)

Saint-Patrick's Day (Originally published in the To be published in the March 14 2014 issue of Suburban Online Magazine)

 The Coming of Spring (Originally published in the April 25 2014 issue of Suburban Online Magazine)

*****All 12 stories were later pubilshed together in "Emily-A Compilation of Short Stories" ( 2014)*****



"Born to Sing" was published in Aspiring to Inspire Woman Writer's Anthology (2014)

Smashords link:

 Amazon link:



''The Experience Gone Wrong'' and ''Rain or Shine'' were published in the anthology Summer Shorts II: Best Kept secrets (2014)


Amazon Link:

Free download: 


"Ghost Child" was published in the anthology Automn Magic (2014)


"Timmy's Wish" was Published in the anthology "Snowflakes and Memories" (2014)



"Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride" + "Snow Day" published in February 2021 issue of Mom's Favorite Reads eMagazine. (#1 download on Amazon!)

Free download:


 "Nostalgia" was published in the March 2021 issue of Mom's Favorite Reads eMagazine (#1 download on Amazon!)

Free download:


"Walking Through a Painting" and "Alpaca Therapy" were published in the May 2021 issue of Mom's Favorite Reads eMagazine

Free download:


"A Family Camping Trip" was pblished in the June 2021 issue of Mom's Favorite Reads eMagazine

FREE download:


"Dancing in the Rain" was pubished in the June 2022 issue of Mom's Favorite Reads emagazine

FREE Download:


"Stormy Romanitc Getaway" was published in the July 2022 issue of Mom's Favortie Reads eMagazine

FREE download:


''Imaginay Friends'' was published in the August 2022 issue of Mom's Favortie Reads eMagazine

FREE download:


"A Trip Back to 1860" was published in the March 2023 issue of Mom's Favotie Reads eMagazine

FREE downoad:




"The Mannequin" was published in the September 2022 issue of Mom's Favorite Reads eMagazine

FREE download:


Nineteenth Century Ghost

Geatured on Karen J. Mossman's blog for 100 word stories (Nov 6th, 2022)


Mini-contest #56 (Unicorn):

I won an honerable mention for On The Premises 25-50 word story contest. My entry was published on their website on May 13, 2023

FREE read:


"The Clubhouse" was published in the June 2023 issue of Mom's Favorite Reads eMagazine


Poems (in anthologies and eMagazine)


 "Hiding in the Wilderness," which reads like a story, in the Smashwords bestseller Aspiring to Inspire Woman Writer's Anthology. (March 2014)

Smashwords link: ://

 Amazon link:

(The same poem was also pubished in the All Authors online Magazine -Issue 12: Spooks of Imagination)


"To The Man Who Makes me happy", "Wanting to End my Life", "The Vision", and "To My Loving Son Michael Aidan" 

published in the 2014 Smashwords bestseller Words of Fire and Ice (Poetry Anthology)


 Amazon link:*Version*=1&*entries*=0


"The Field of Wishes" was  published in the July 2021 issue of Mom's Favorite Reads eMagazine

Free download:


"My Four Seasons" was publishe in the September 2022 issue of Mom's Favorite Reads eMagazine

Free download:


"My Potion" was published in the October 2022 issue of Mom's Favorite Reads eMagazine

Free download:


"Trying To Get a Glimpse of Santa" was published in the December 2022 issue of Mom's Favorite Reads eMagazine

Free download:


"Indian Summer" was published in the April 2023 issue of Mom's Favorite Reads eMagazine

Free doanload:


"Ducklings" was published in the May 2023 issue of Mom's Favorite Reads eMagazine

Free download:


"Leaf Angel" was published on The Suburban Newspaper's website on September 21 2023

Free read:


Memoirs (In anthologies and eMagazines)



"Memoir of Motherhood" in the compilation book They Call me Moma Bear with Author Amber M. Royce and many others. (April 2014)

*****Later published independently as "My Memoir of Motherhood" (2014)*****


 ''Friends Forever'' as well as ''How I Met my Boyfriend'' were published in Durham Editing's Memoir Anthology It's About Living (2014)

Smashwords link:

Amazon link:


"Memories of Ireland" was published in the April 2021 issue of Mom's Favorite Reads eMagazine

Free download:


"Tears from Heaven" (in memory of my grandfather) was published in the July 2021 issue of Mom's Favorite Reads eMagazine

Free download:


"A Night with the Wolves" was published in the August 2021 issue of Mom's Favorite Reads e-Magazine

Free download:


"Persephone" was published in the September 2021 issue of Mom's Favorite Reads eMagazine.

Free download:


''My Poor Shoes'' (funny anecdote) was published in the August 2022 issue of Mom's Favortie Reads eMagazine

Free download:


My Refreshing summer salad was published in the June 2022 irrue of Mom's Favorite Reads eMagazine

Free download:


Bloodtinis was published in the October 2022 issue of Mom's Favorite Reads eMagazine

FREE download:

Craft Ideas:

My instructions on how-to create Victorian Silhouettes were published in the June 2022 issue of Victorian Creative

(See editoral notes on page 3)

Free download: